
Aditya Narayan bankrupt before marriage, know what is the matter!

Aditya Narayan bankrupt before marriage, know what is the matter!

You all know that this lockdown and the corona virus has badly hurt everyone financially, mentally, but not with the common people.

Is also happening with celebrities J Recently, news of Aditya narayan’s wedding is coming up shweta agrawal who is getting married with them, this year is almost 2 months left

But aditya narayan has been bankrupt. His bank balance has been down everywhere. If financial problems are encountered then he stops working for one year.

aditya narayan is an actor, singer, host, does music videos, at this time when aditya narayan was giving interviews, he made big revelations about his financial status.

People say their financial problems and until the situation gets very bad but they do not come forward and speak. But aditya narayan openly told that my account has a total of 18000 rupees.

Only 18000 rupees is lying in Aditya narayan’s bank account, when asked him, he said that this lockdown which went and covid 19 stopped all the work I had.

For a while, I thought I would stay home and focus on my music career, but television shows were also closed, I didn’t know that the lockdown would be extended so long.

And he said that I have been in such a situation that if I need to, I will have to sell my personal things because I do not have the money to servive.

Aditya also told that I had withdrawn all the FD I had invested in the Tudvadists, I thought that the lockdown would end soon and work would begin.

But this lockdown has been extended so much that it will be a year if it lasts for two more months, then work has stopped here.

All the savings were in the nick of money so that I could take care of the expenses of the people at home.

but now such a situation has happened, if I do not get work till October, then I will get to sell my stuff.

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HImanshu Mehare

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