
VALORANT Update Patch Notes 4.0: New Agent, Gun Updates, Map Changes and More

VALORANT Update Patch Notes 4.0 is going live today and we are going to see new agent, gun updates, some changes in maps like Breeze and Bind, and a new Battle Pass.

This time VALORANT devs worked on some guns and they buffed or also nerfed guns, New agent Neon, Velocity Karambit knife we are going to see it in a battle pass. So this patch note is going live tonight.


Agent Update 

Valorant New agent Neon is from the Philippines. And this is the VALORANT 19th agent after Chamber. Neon has Lightning-based abilities, she can also do sprint & slide both by right-clicking.

(E) HIGH GEAR – INSTANTLY channel Neon’s power for increased speed. When charged, ALT FIRE to trigger an electric slide. Slide charge resets every two kills.

(Q) RELAY BOLT – INSTANTLY throw an energy bolt that bounces once. Upon hitting each surface, the bolt electrifies the ground below with a concussive blast.

(C) FAST LANE – FIRE two energy lines forward on the ground that extend a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that block vision and damage enemies passing through them.

(X) OVERDRIVE – Unleash Neon’s full power and speed for a short duration. FIRE to channel the power into a deadly lightning beam with high movement accuracy. The duration resets on each kill.



The melee’s been too tricky to aim with, making it tough to rely on. So we’ve updated both left and right-click melee attacks for more reliable Agent-whacking action.

  • Right-click hitboxes are now 1.5x larger. Left-click hitboxes are now larger than a right click and have a slightly longer range too.
  • Targets closer to the center of your knife attacks will get hit first, so you still have precision if you need it.
  • Bonus: Knifing walls now have an instant feedback when slicing up walls (predicted on the client-side).


  • Firing error occurs at earlier bullet stages
    • For example, instead of errors occurring at bullets 4, 7, 10 (in terms of firing order), they will instead happen at bullets 3, 6, 8
  • Increased pitch and yaw (vertical and horizontal) recoil multipliers when running/jumping/on ascender from 1.25 >>> 1.5
  • Protected bullet count from yaw (horizontal) switching while spraying, decreased 8 >>> 5 bullets
  • Lowering time to switch yaw from .24 >>> .18 seconds
    • While spraying, the time you have until you could switch yaws (horizontal movement) again is lower, meaning it can happen more often.


Alongside changes to the Spectre, we hope to improve the feel and power of the Ares and take it out of the shadow of other weapons in its price tier.

  • Removed spin up
  • Firing rate increased from 10 >>> 13


  • Removed firing rate penalty on ADS (Aiming Down Sight)
  • Added an extra bullet before it enters a recovery curve.


  • Hip fire rate increased 9.5 >>> 10
  • Recovery on burst fire improved from .4 >>> .35
    • Inaccuracy is accrued any time the weapon is re-fired prior to a complete duration of a weapon’s respective Gun Recovery Time. Lower recovery time should improve burst fire efficiency.



  • The double stack of cover at short A has been changed to remove a very powerful one-way smoke location that made the area a little too difficult for Attackers to approach.
    • Sentinels will still be able to clog the space, but the new layout should open a few options for attackers pushing in.
  • There’s also a small, new bench for a mix-up when taking that first peek.


  • Increased the width of the A-Main choke and removed 50/the 50s (where you must choose one of two locations an opponent may be located)
    • This should give defenders more options when playing around A-Main. It also removes the 50/50 when both entering or exiting the cave, allowing you to be more methodical when pushing.
  • Added a stack of two crates in a cave
    • This provides some cover for attackers pushing the cave while also giving defenders more options for contesting the space.
  • Adjusted cover on the back of A Site and extended the pool to the far wall
    • The cover changes should give defenders both a safe place to fall back to and more cover on retakes. Extending the pool should make playing in this space more comfortable.
    • Plant site extension is also to match the new shape of the pool.
  • Adjusted curved wall in mid
    • This change simplifies the space and removes the extra pocket.


  • Starting with Patch 4.0, accounts that have yet to play in Ranked are required to reach account level 20 level before they are able to enter the Competitive queue
    • For those that have not yet reached account level 20, but have already played in Competitive queue, you will still be able to play in ranked.

Reduced 5-stack Rank Rating penalty

  • Diamond 2 and below players will see their RR penalty reduced by 25% compared to the current balance. This means the new minimum penalty is 25% reduced gains/losses compared to the previous 50%
  • We only made this change for ranks not breaking into, or on, the leaderboard to help maintain leaderboard integrity.

Increased Map Randomization

  • Increased our map weights, which should lead to an increase in map variety and reduction in map duplicates from match to match


Game Systems

  • Fixed an issue where the Signature Kill Counter was not updating visually

Esports Features

  • Coaches should no longer experience the issue where swapping targets with number keys + mouse clicks occasionally fails.
    • Thanks, RobWiz for the report!

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