
Global Esports Became the Champion of VCC (Valorant Conquerors Championship) by NODWIN Gaming

Global Esports became the champion of VCC (Valorant conquerors championship) by NDOWIN Gaming. They defeat Velocity Gaming in the BO5 battle with a score of 3-2. Global Esports was losing 2 matches against Velocity Gaming in this tournament but they got revenge in the grand finals.

Also Read: Sk Rossi – VALORANT Esports Player Profile

Global Esports with this win they are going to compete in the Last Chance Qualifier for the Valorant championship tournament. APAC LCQ is going to happen on October 13 in London where all the 3SEA, 2Korean, 2China, 2Japan, and 1SA teams compete against each other to get a slot in the Valorant biggest tournament the champions which are in December.

Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final Matches GE Vs VLT

Every time when these two teams are against each other people call this match by Val-Clasico name. These two teams are top-tier teams from South Asia.

The map is selected by these teams are

  • Bind (Ban By Velocity Gaming)
  • Split (Global Esports)
  • Haven (Velocity Gaming)
  • Breeze (Global Esports)
  • Icebox (Velocity Gaming)
  • Ascent (Decider)
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT Map Selection
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT Map Selection










Split – This Map is a bit of fun to watch both the teams and they show really a great game. But Velocity Gaming Close the first map at a score of 13-10.

VLT MW1 became the Match MVP by 25 Kills, and GE Skrossi for his team by 20 Kills.

Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Split)
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Split)










Haven – In haven, this time Global Esports was able to close the match at a 13-11 score. In this map, we have some very good individual fights and some very good states from both sides.

GE Skrossi became the match MVP by 24 Kills, and VLT Hellff for his team by 20 kills.

Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Haven)
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Haven)










Breeze – If these two teams are against each other on this map. The match always goes to overtime and both teams are very dominant on this map. and like always this match also goes to overtime but this time Global Esports win the overtime and also win the map by a 13-15 score.

GE Hellrenger became the match MVP by 29 kills, and VLT MW1 for his team by 23 kills.

Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Breeze)
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Breeze)











Icebox – This map is the win-or-die situation for Velocity Gaming because Global Esports is in the lead of the BO5 battle by a 2-1 score they just need to win this game.

But Velocity Gaming says no to Global Esports and wins the match by a 13-9 score and level score 2-2 score in BO5 battle.

VLT MW1 became the match MVP by 23 kills, and GE skills for his team by 18 kills.

Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Icebox)
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Icebox)











Ascent – This match is the decider match for both teams whos gonna win the Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand finals and get the slot in APAC LCQ.

On this map Velocity Gaming is in the lead in 1st half by a 9-3 score but in the 2nd half with a massive comeback and with Sk Rossii impact Global Esports close the match and win the Valorant Conquerors Championship by 13-10 score.

GE Skrossi Became the match MVP by 23 kills, and VLT MW1 for his team by 20 kills.

Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Ascent)
Valorant Conquerors Championship Grand Final GE Vs VLT (Ascent)











Skrossi MVP of the Tournament Valorant Conquerors Championship

Rossi with his skills, blade storm, operator skills, and team supports he became the Tournament Most Valuable Player. and he also wins the prize pool money of $1500.


Global Esports Champion of  Valorant Conquerors Championship by NODWIN Gaming

Global Esports win the valorant conqueror championship and also get the prize pool of $16,500. and Velocity Gaming is a runner-up of this tournament and they get $8000.


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