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BGMI IOS Release Date Krafton Official Post Left Clue

BGMI since its release last month, Krafton release BGMI only on Android but not on IOS devices release date is not confirmed for IOS devices.

Many contents creators like Dynamo Gaming, Scout, Mortal, Ghatak, and Jonathan telling to their audience to play on android because many scrims and tournaments are going to play on android.

Player’s eagerly waiting for BGMI IOS Release date and, many tournaments also started and right now BGMI still not available for IOS Users.

Also Read: BGMI Best GFX Tool Setting for 60 FPS Game in BGMI (Battleground Mobile India)

But Krafton Dropped some hints in their recent Instagram post and drop a hint of the BGMI on IOS.

If BGMI completes 50 million downloads all users of BGMI get rewards. Invite your friends to Battlegrounds.

Also Read: Top 5 Best Brain Games For Android You Must Play 2021

These are some rewards.

48M Milestone – Supply Coupon Crate Scrap X3
49M Milestone – Classic Coupon Crate Scrap X3
50M Milestone – Permanent Galaxy Messenger Set X1

BGMI IOS Release Date


In a recent post on BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India) page, Krafton drops a small hint related to BGMI on IOS. In the description of the post, Krafton pins a Note and says that “We are preparing for all Indian players to receive towards regardless of their OS [Apple Emoji]”.

OS means IOS and Apple Emoji these hint direct talk about the of BGMI on IOS Which It’s gonna be release very soon.

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