Mobile Gaming

Pubg mobile : Cyber Power set available on the game

Pubg mobile season 19 – Traverse Insectold in the ongoing theme of the game and now pubg has announced a new set coming to pubg mobile in the cyber power week

The cyber power sets is coming to pubg mobile with some exciting skins The cyber power set spain is available in game from 20th June toset 13 July 2021 This is a spin bundle and players will be rewarded based on

their luck players have two choices to get rewarded players can spin or Draw once for 60UC which this in game currency or players can Draw 10 for 600UC.s This was announced by Pubg mobile

their Social media handles with a videos in which we can see some people Fighting in slow motion cyber power set players comes to rescue the other players Then They are seen leaving the are wearing the cyber power set

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Pubg mobile : Cyber Power set available on the game

The set Inculdes many amazing skins Parachutes backpack gun skins and emots This time they have added a smokey emote to the female character and it looks awesome if the players finishes 100 redemption he will get a legendary items for sure and on 1000 redemption the players will get on mythic items for sure The points that a players earns from the spin can be used to buy a dress which is included in the cyber power set along with all these rewards are many other rewards Inculded such as grenade skin weapon skins booster point boost the chance to get the legendary items from the spins Lucky spin ticket are ALSO included in the pack

the tweet that PUBG Mobile Posted Was Like

To Do List 

Lock Down cyber power sets for the whole squad

Suit up for a match together

Systematically Take Down each Opponent

The spin is available only till 13 July so players need to redeem their spins before the date

ALSO Read: The Future of the ESports india mobile gaming

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Haris Qureshi

hello, my name Haris Qureshi I am 18 year old inter college 1st.year student college MG I live in Sehore mp. small town middle class boy part-time job write article on tradingjagat.Com and spend time with friends family love Gaming.
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