
Fortnite OG Skin is back  OG pickaxe and ghost rider cup 

Fortnite OG Skin is back  OG pickaxe and ghost rider cup

It looks like we be getting fortnite chapter 1 ‘OG default in the near future

Fortnite news released two blog posts today announced tha marvel knockout series cup and information  regarding fortnite on the generation consoles the marvel knockout cup will be for ghost rider cup.

Ghost rider was teaser in tweet by epic and the ghost rider cup is Cofrimed for Wednesday November 4th players have chance to get the marvel skin for free before it’s available in the in the item shop

Fortnite OG Skin is back  OG pickaxe and ghost rider cup 

Epic also started that fortnite will be available at launch for both ps5 and both Xbox series consoles it run 4k 60 FPS on both consoles expect for Xbox series s which will run at 60 FPS at 1080P

The blog post also mentioned that players will be able to get their hands on the OG default pickaxe that available to players in fortnite chapter 1 players can get it for free but there no information provided in regards to how players can get it expect for PlayStation players

Epic have started that PlayStation players can get the OG default fortnite pickaxe which will be called the throwback axe pickaxe by downloading it for free from the PlayStation Store players on other platform will have to wait until epic released more information on how to redeem the pickaxe on the other platforms

It looks like the default pickaxe isn’t the only thing from chapter 1 players Will be able to get their hands on in fortnite chapter 2 the default fortnite skins changed and the chapter 1 default fortnite weren’t available but that could change


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Haris Qureshi

hello, my name Haris Qureshi I am 18 year old inter college 1st.year student college MG I live in Sehore mp. small town middle class boy part-time job write article on tradingjagat.Com and spend time with friends family love Gaming.
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