
Sana Khan has left the show biz (film industry), she has given this info on her Instagram

Sana Khan has left the show biz (film industry), she has given this info on her Instagram

Very huge messege given on your instagram, what’s written in Hindi. English.Urdu!”In the name of God, the foremost Gracious, the foremost Merciful Brothers and sisters!these days i’m reprimand you standing at a vital juncture of my life.

I have been living the Showbiz (Film Industry) Ilife for years, and through nowI have been blessed all types of fame, honour and wealth from my fans that i’m grateful to them.

except for some days currently, I actually have been possessed of the belief that:Is the real purpose of man’s coming back into this world solely to chase wealth and fame? is not it area unita|a district|a region|a locality|a vicinity|a section} of his/her duty to pay his/her

life within the service of these WHO are poverty-stricken and helpless?Shouldn’t an individual assume that he/she might die at any moment?And what is going to happen to him when he/she is not any more?

I actually have been finding out answers to those 2 queries for an extended amount of your time,particularly the second question on what is going to happen to Maine when my death?

after I looked for the solution to the current question in my faith,I realized that this life within the world is really for the betterment of life-after death.And it’ll be higher if the slave lives in line with the command of his Creator,

And doesn’t build wealth and fame his solely goal; rather, he/she ought to avoid sinful life and serve humanity,And follow the trail shown by his/her Creator.

Therefore, I declare these days that from these days forrader, I actually haveresolved to mention so long to my Showbiz manner forever and serve humanity and follow the orders

All brothers and sisters {are|ar|area unit|square Maineasure} requested to wish on behalf of me to Godto just accept my penance and grant me actuality ability to measure in accordance

Following the commandments of my Creator and within the service of humanity, and grant Maine perseverance in it. Finally,All brothers and sisters {are|ar|area unit|square Maineasure}

requested to not consult me with regards to any Showbiz work henceforward.You can see written in Hindi and Urdu by aiming to their instagram account.

Sana Khan has created positive that Sana has taken sanyas, not giving Maine any work, however won’t try this work.

Sana Khan has left

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HImanshu Mehare

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