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Netflix Will Add Games To The Service And Won’t Charge Them

The Company Confirmed in a Shareholder letter That it is Further Expanding into games and won’t charge members extra For Access to that suit of Mobile titles. Streaming giant Netflix has Confirmed in a shareholder letter that it’s not only expanding into Games but also won’t charge users extra to play them.

Netflix said it plans to build on the company earlier efforts around Interactivity think things like black mirror Bandersnathch or the stranger things line of Game in doing so the offering of titles Netflix adds to its service will come at no additional cost similar to film’s and series however the company said these games will only be available on mobile devices for now.

We’re also in the early stages of further expanding into the game building on our earlier efforts around interactivity and our stranger things game Netflix said we view Gaming as another new content category for us similar to our expansion into Original films animation and unscripted TV Games will be included in members Netflix subscription at no additional cost similar to films and series Initially we are primarily focused on the game for mobile devices

Later Netflix reiterated its excitement for the movies and TV Shows its currently and planning to offer However the Company is now looking to diversify its portfolio after 10 years on the market

We’re excited as ever about our movies and TV series offering and we expect a long runway of increasing investment and growth across all of our existing content categories but since we are nearly a decade into our push into original programming we think the time is right to learn more about how our member value games the company Concluded

News of Netflix interest in video Games sparked after reports Circulated this past may the company hired former Electronic Art’s And Zynga.

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Haris Qureshi

hello, my name Haris Qureshi I am 18 year old inter college 1st.year student college MG I live in Sehore mp. small town middle class boy part-time job write article on tradingjagat.Com and spend time with friends family love Gaming.
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