
Overwatch is getting cross platform play on pc and console

Cross play is coming to overwatch soon allowing players to group up and play together powered by the lastest global battle net update player from around the world can team up regardless of their preferred platform with. Overwatch is getting cross platform play on pc and console

The launch of cross play everyone who logs into overwatch by the end of 2021 will receive a golden loot box to celebrate

Overwatch is getting cross platform play on pc and console

Prepare your Account

All console players will be required to make a battle net account and link it to their console (Xbox PSN Nintendo) account PC players do not need to take this step you already have a battle net account upon launching the game you will be promoted to link your console account to your battle net account

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Cerating A battle.Net account

1.visit battle net

2.create a free battle net account

3.Once you create your battle net account go to your account setting on the connections section under account setting and link your console

LINKING YOUR Console Game And Account

These instructions apple to the in game steps console players will read to take once cross-play is available

1.launch the game on your system

2.prees the Confrimation button to progress through the overwatch welcome screen will be presented with an Alpha-numrica code and a QR code

b. The QR code may be scanned with a mobile app to take you the linking weapons which will be Per-populad with the code provided in game

4. Log in with your battle net Account credentials to Finziled the connection between you console game and battle. Net Account will receive a massage in game that notices that your Account is now successful connected

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Haris Qureshi

hello, my name Haris Qureshi I am 18 year old inter college 1st.year student college MG I live in Sehore mp. small town middle class boy part-time job write article on tradingjagat.Com and spend time with friends family love Gaming.
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