
Valorant New Update 3.05 New Map, Agents Changes, New skin and More

Valorant Server will go down today from14:00 PDT because they are bringing the new update 3.05. Players see some agent changes, New map (Fracture), Competitive changes, and many more.

Valorant Server Down Time 14:00 PDT
Valorant Server Down Time 14:00 PDT

Players and fans are very excited to play the new map fracture, and they want to try the new map. New agent changes, Competitive changes, and many more.

Valorant New Update 3.05 

Map Updates

  • NEW MAP: Fracture 

The fracture is very big in size, with two sites A & B. Defenders will spawn in the middle of the map. and the attacker side has some advantage in it they can attack from two sides of the map before time starts.

  • Fracture the only queue!
    1. This queue is a standard, Unrated mode that will give players a chance to practice the new map before they see it in Competitive play.
    2. Fracture-only queue will be available for 2 weeks, afterward, Fracture will enter other modes, including Competitive.

Agent Changes

KILLJOY -: Turret (E) Bullet tagging reduced 72.5% slow >>> 29.5% slow (84.31% Decrease in slowing.)

RAZE -: Boom Bot (C) 

    • Max damage reduced 125 >>> 80
    • Min damage reduced 50 >>> 30
    • Cost reduced 400 >>> 300

BREACH -: Aftershock (C), Now deals damage to the following: Killjoy Alarm Bot, Killjoy Nanoswarm, Killjoy Lockdown, Cypher Tripwire, Reyna Leer, Sage Barrier Orb, Sova Recon Bolt, KAY/O Zero/Point.

BRIMSTONE -: Orbital Strike (X), Now deals damage to the following: Killjoy Nanoswarm, Cypher Trapwire, Sage Barrier Orb, KAY/O Zero/Point.

SOVA -: Hunter’s Fury (X), Now deals damage to the following: Killjoy Nanoswarm, Cypher Trapwire, Sage Barrier Orb, Sova Recon Bolt, KAY/O Zero/Point.

New Spectrum Skin Bundle

This Spectrum skin bundle contains Phantom, Classic, Bulldog, Guardian, and Waveform Melee. Which is cost around 10700 VP, with this player get also a Spectrum gun buddy, Zedd gun buddy, Spectrum player card, and Spectrum spray.

ZeddXValorant Collaboration Give Players New Spectrum Skin Bundle
ZeddXValorant Collaboration Give Players New Spectrum Skin Bundle

Competitive Updates

Immortal 1/2/3 rank tiers are back.

  • Diamond 1 → Immortal 1
  • Diamond 2 → Immortal 2
  • Diamond 3 → Immortal 3

Premium Battlepass Bonus XP

  • Upgrading to the Premium Battlepass will grant a 3% XP boost toward the Battlepass tier progression for all matchmade games until the end of Act II.
  • The XP does not apply for daily and weekly missions.


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