
Valorant Champion Tour 2021 Stage 3 Masters Berlin Day3 Scoreboards

Valorant Champions Tour 2021 stage 3 masters berlin is going on in Germany berlin. Where 15 teams from all other regions fighting for the slot in the champions and also to win the masters Berlin.

It’s Day 3 of the Masters Berlin where teams of Group B, Group C, and Group D where have a match. On day 3 we see some great comebacks, NA EU fights, Sentinels First match, and many more.

Also Read: VCT Masters Berlin Group Stage Day 2 Match Result

VCT 2021 Stage 3 Masters Berlin Day3 Matches 

Match 1 -: KRU V/s Zeta

Match 2 -: Sen V/s G2

Match 3 -: Gambit Esports V/s 100 thieves

KRU Esports V/s Zeta Division 

It’s very good to watch fighting they have some really good rounds between the matches and some revenge in other maps. Maps picked by both teams are Ascent, Split, and Bind.

Kru Esports won the BO3 battle against the Zeta division by a score of 2-1. We saw some strong domination from both teams on other teams on different maps. Ascent scoreline is 13-8 Kru esports won this map. On Split Zeta show domination over Kru Esports and won the match with a score of 5-13. And on the last map bind Kru esports with his domination they won the map at a score of 13-7 and also close BO3 battle.

Sentinels V/s G2 Esports

For Sentinels it’s 1 st match at masters berlin, and where G2 playing its 2nd match. In this particular match, we saw NA and EU fight, some rantings between then matches.

Also Read: Valorant Masters Berlin Day 1 Matches Update

Sentinels Picked the first map of Split, G2 picked the IceBox, and Sentinels picked the last map, Haven. This match was won by Sentinels with a score of 2-1. The first map of Split, Sentinels shows Great Eco rounds and good fights from both teams but this map is closed by Sentinels at the scoreline of 13-6.

The second map is picked by G2 Esports Icebox they Close this match at the scoreline of 13-8. On the map, Haven Sentinels won this map with a score of 13-8.


100 Thieves V/s Gambit Esports

Gambit and 100 thieves match are really good to watch matches. Gambit has domination on 100 thieves on the first map, we some close matches in the BO3 battle, Insane clutches. But 100 thieves close the BO3 Battle with a score of 2-1.

Map picked by both teams is Ascent, Icebox, and Split. On the first map, Ascent Gambit plays like they just owned this map and won by a 13-5 scoreline. Icebox is a comeback for the 100T In the 1st half Gambit Esports just show complete domination on 100T but with an insane comeback by 100T, they secure the map by an 11-13 score. Split is the decider map where we shaw really closed fights and clutches by Hiko this match closed by 100T by a score of 13-10.

VCT 2021 Stage 3 Masters Berlin Group Stage Standings after Day 3 

Valorant Champions Tour 2021 Stage 3 Masters Berlin group standings after Day 3 are –

  • Gambit Esports will have to play an elimination Match Against the winner of the C4 match. Where 100 Thieves are in the final to qualify for playoffs.
  • Sentinels got the 1st victory they have to play 3 more matches to qualify for the playoffs. where G2 esports also need to win their both 2 matches to qualify for playoffs.
  • KRU Esports are gonna looking to beat Team Envy to get into the finals of the Group Stage. Where Zeta Esports are gonna play an Elimination match against Vivo kyed.
VCT 2021 Stage 3 Masters Berlin Group Standings After Day 3
VCT 2021 Stage 3 Masters Berlin Group Standings After Day 3

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