
PUBG Mobile summer series is back check Prize pool

PUBG Mobile summer series is back check Prize pool   CCS summer 2021 is now live the summer 2021 season begins in July with free to enter Pubg  mobile tournament Find your Teammate get registered today and start competing sign for your chance to win Chipotle themed gear cash prizes and a year of free chipotle

Register a complete team with 2v2 players and participate in a qualifiers to earn a supply crate in pubg mobile

Supply carte code will be emailed up to 48 business hours after the conclusion of each ccs pubg mobile Qualifiers with supplies last PUBG Mobile summer series is back check Prize pool

Also Read : Epic games shares a short features video loki in fortnite

Format & Scoring

8 open qualifiers event 32 teams qualify for the season finale


Grand Finale 

All prize amounts will be split evenly between both players on Team

For 1st place 2nd place and 3rd place winners

swordsman permanent outfit

In game currency UC 40,000

1st place cash prize Rs30,000

2st place cash prize Rs15,000

3st place cash prize Rs10,000

4st place cash prize Rs5,000

5st place cash prize Rs2,000

6st place cash prize Rs1,200

7st place cash Rs750

8 st place cash prize Rs500

9st place cash prize Rs300

10 st place cash prize Rs250

First place prize 

Complete in the qualifiers to win custom Chipotle challenge series Headsets from Astro gaming

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Haris Qureshi

hello, my name Haris Qureshi I am 18 year old inter college 1st.year student college MG I live in Sehore mp. small town middle class boy part-time job write article on tradingjagat.Com and spend time with friends family love Gaming.
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